Anjuman-i-Islam’s Akbar Peerbhoy Girls Polytechnic

Anjuman-I-Islam, Mumbai (AIM) established in 1874. This is the largest minority Educational and Social Trust focusing on marginalized sections of the society and empowerment of women, an organization of inclusive mindset.

AIM has two main principles “Providing quality education at lowest possible cost” and “Ensuring that no student is turned away for lack of finance”.

Akbar Peerbhoy Girls’ Polytechnic

Mr. Akbar Peerbhoy, Bar-at-law, a prominent educationist and philanthropist who bequeathed a large sum of money to the Anjuman-I-Islam for a girls’ Institute. He strongly believed in the education of women to make them self–supporting. “Akbar Peerbhoy Girls’ Polytechnic” fulfills his life-long dream to provide vocational training to suit young girls for independent careers in different fields. The polytechnic is open to all, irrespective of community, cast,e or creed. It offers  Certified courses like Fashion Designing,  Pre School Teacher’s Training,  Beauty Culture,  Dressmaking, Embroidery are available for girls at a very reasonable price. We also incubate our students for being Entrepreneurs.  We also provide placement assistance for our students.


Anjuman-I-Islam’s Akbar Peerbhoy Nursery and Playgroup was founded in June 1988 by Ms. HomaiPeerbhoy. It was redesigned to provide a first-class warm and welcoming environment for children. It was inaugurated by our Hon. President Dr.Zahir.I.Kazi on 21st August 2014. Our Nursery offers Play and Learning areas. We see our parents as the child’s first educators and strive to involve them in all areas of the child’s nursery experience. 

Bibi Fatima Skill Development Center

An initiative by Anjuman-I-Islam’s Akbar Peerbhoy Girls’ Polytechnic with YuvaVikas Society to train Women to be Skilled, Employable, and Entrepreneur. It is affiliated with National Skill Development Center (NSDC).

To know more you can visit our website here: Anjuman-I-Islam, Mumbai

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