Astrology: Mounts of Planets in Hand

All people think that each and every action and information of your life is being shown in your hands which can be proved by the art of Palmistry or you can also call it as part of palm reading. Palmistry is considered one of the most ancient arts of astrology and not only this but, it is also considered as one of the most powerful arts of astrology. Because it is said that the arts are being present in more than one culture then those arts of astrology are considered to be more powerful in comparison to any other arts of astrology.

According to FourCreeds, The art of palmistry all requires is your palm on the base of your palm you can know any information which you want to know about your life. Because it is said that your palm is having different lines in it and each and every line is indicating different planets in it and as all people know that each and every planet is having its own importance and effect over different aspects of your life and due to which by making the study over the movement and placement of that planet can help you to make predictions related to that factor of your life.

It is said that this art of palmistry or palm reading is under the head of Vedic astrology and not only this But, it is also said that this art is mainly used to solve different kinds of problems related to the future or career. And due to this reason, some of the factors of this art are provided below –

  • As per the art of palmistry, it is being said that planet of Jupiter is being situated on the base of your index finger of your palm. With the help of this, you can get the information that either fellow is having the ability to lead people or not. If the fellow is having weak or improper line then it can cause different kinds of problems to the native some problems like the problem of pride, fortune, happy married life. But, if the fellow is having a perfectly curved line of this finger then he is not just able to solve the above-mentioned problems but, it is also said that it can provide the required power to the native which he can need in order to solve his or her problems of life.
  • And after the base of your index finger according to the art of palmistry of astrology, your middle finger is used to show the planet of Saturn. It is said that the fellow who is acquiring this fabulous curve in their hands are said to be fond of getting knowledge, prudence, society, etc. it is said that if the fellow is having this line in his or her palm with that line not crossing over with their heart line then it is said that they are able to attract fabulous luck towards them and not only this but, it is also said that with the help of this perfect curve fellow is able to achieve all those things which any person wants to achieve in their life.
  • The next factor which is being gone to introduced is considered to be one of the important factors in this whole thing of making different kinds of predictions this is about the Sun this amazing planet is considered to be one of the most important planets in this art of palmistry and due to this reason only the fellow who is having this curve is also considered to be one of the most very luck people to having such compatibility. It is said that this planet of the Sun lies at the base of the ring finger. And not only this but, it also said that fellow who would have perfect line then he is easily able to gain name and fame that much that any person can only dream of. And not only this in the matter of health also it is said that the fellow should not face any kind of problems in their matter of health. It is considered that the fellow is having this curve in their palm can easily taste of the glory of winning in anything because it is said that the fellow can have success, brilliance, and fate under their palm.

So, this was some information about planets lying at different parts of your palm and the fellow who is having that curves can experience which kind of things in their lives and due to this reason you can get some knowledge regarding this art of palmistry. So, if you are facing any kind of problem in your life which you want to sort out then you should instantly contact to Astrologer in Ahmedabad because according to our survey for the year 2021 he is the only astrologer who can help you with your problems related to your life.

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