How AI Plays an Essential role to build perfect empathetic future for Marketing

The urge for businesses to interact with their consumers’ emotions is not a new phenomenon. Understanding the emotional sentiments that drive customer behavior has long been a focus for marketers. However, reliably tracking these feelings over time has been notoriously difficult.

This problem can be solved with artificial intelligence (AI). Today’s consumers want a personalized experience, and AI has the ability to assist advertisers by recognizing sentiment and reaching out to them at the right time. As a result, more businesses are likely to accept AI and its potential for assisting them in forming good, individualized relationships with customers, at a time when this is more important than ever.

Empathy and Covid-19

Marketers have often prioritized establishing an emotional bond with their customers. Consumer behavior is increasingly influenced by emotion rather than facts, as has been well established, and this trend is expected to accelerate significantly in 2020. The value of brands demonstrating empathy has been evident in a year of ever-changing circumstances and disruption. Marketers who fail to recognize the specific situations in which their customers find themselves, and who fail to interact in an empathetic and open manner, Customers can form negative opinions of their brand as a result of their behavior.

Marketers must be able to master the increasing amounts of customer data available to them in order to use it to guide communication decisions and ensure they are as tactful and individualized as possible in order to avoid these potential pitfalls.

Empathy is fueled by data.

AI is widely accepted as a viable solution to this problem. It’s easy to see why, according to a recent Iterable survey, 83 percent of marketers are likely to include AI technology integration as part of their 2021 plan.

Companies must first collect relevant data from all cross-channel engagements, including email, mobile messaging, and all other contact platforms, in order to communicate in an empathetic manner with their consumers. If this is done, the data must be normalized before it can be used to assess individual motives.

Today’s challenge is to not only handle this growing amount of customer data but to do so over an extended period of time as well. Customer sentiment will shift on a regular basis in this volatile era; data management must reflect this fact in order to be useful to marketers. We need to go beyond taking manual snapshots of how consumers feel about a brand and instead create a more comprehensive, real-time image.

AI as a potential solution

Without the use of AI, gathering and managing all applicable engagement data for such a task would be virtually impossible. It allows advertisers to take a holistic view of customer interaction with their brand by leveraging behavioural data from consumers in real-time, allowing them to personalize every step of the data lifecycle.

Beyond dealing with customers who have negative feelings, AI can help. While its ability to harness data will definitely help marketers recognize customers. With positive sentiments and the greatest potential to become loyal ambassadors. It can also help marketers identify customers with positive sentiments and the greatest potential to become loyal ambassadors. It’s just as important to nurture these feelings as it is to reduce churn.

Data changes

According to FourCreeds, it’s critical to remember how our relationship with data could evolve in the coming years. When implementing an AI-based solution. Third-party data control and perceptions are changing, with Google preparing to phase out third-party cookies in the near future. This would result in a stronger emphasis on both zero-party data. Which a consumer willingly shares with a brand, and first-party data, which is obtained directly from consumers. Although this could seem to be a difficult transition for advertisers, it is not as dramatic as previously thought. Despite growing concerns about data security, customers have shown a willingness. To share data in exchange for a personalized experience when done in a clear manner.

AI has the potential to play a critical role in establishing this trust. It will help ensure that communication reflects this and demand for accountability by accurately using zero and first-party data. To be effective, AI technology must function in a way that consumers can comprehend. It is more difficult to behave empathetically when there is a lack of accountability.


In 2021, the increased need for companies to take an empathic approach will not go anywhere. Prior to last year, these phenomena were gaining traction, and the pandemic has only exacerbated them. Businesses must continue to humanize their experiences with consumers in order to fulfill this demand. Consumers want to be able to trust the products. In which they identify and AI technology is the most effective way to achieve this aim. At the moment, marketing has to work in a delicate setting. However, by leveraging AI, we can get more out of our growing volumes of data. And use it to engage with consumers in a more personalized and empathetic way.

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