Technology-Driven Services and their Distribution to the Industries

Technology Driven Services have impacted industries, by and large, steering the world towards a digital workplace.

The Business world is speeding towards an economy that is driven by software products. The IT team of any organization needs to press the accelerator and keep up with the digital transformation the world is heading for. There is only one way to do this and that is to create innovation empowered administrations.

Information Technology enabled Service

Information Technology-enabled Services (ITeS), additionally called web empowered administrations or remote administrations or Tele-working, covers the whole range of activities that exploit data innovation for further developing the productivity of an association.

Now let’s talk about an industry that is impacted by Technology Driven Services.

The  Automotive Industry

Automotive companies like Mercedes Benz’s are primarily focusing on a world where technology has not only evolved but has transformed the features of cars and helped add safer options for the automobile companies. The night view assistant in the Mercedes Benz helps the driver by highlighting the presidents and viewing them on the dashboard. BMW has the same feature the only modification to their cars is that the car shows the paths of pedestrians.

The rear camera does not only show the path behind the car but the radar detects the oncoming traffic and warns the driver of any vehicle that is too close and could hit the car from the back.

Road accidents usually happen on highways. Samsung came up with the idea to help the drivers. So they added a large screen tv that shows the cars behind the trucks to see whether the road is clear for them to overtake. The front camera of the truck is connected to the screen at the back which has night vision enabled in it so that driving is easier and no accidents are caused.


A digital single-lens reflex or commonly known as a DSLR has replaced large format cameras. The DSLR has autofocus and full-frame digital sensors, which enables any photographer to take unlimited high-resolution photographs.

Mirrorless cameras and smart cameras have slowly taken over the world. Mirrorless Cameras are lighter compared to the DSLR and are silent. The smart camera enables the user to upload content instantly and gives them various choices, including direct association with web-based media.

Technology didn’t just change the method involved with taking photographs, the post-handling has additionally changed. Photograph correcting today permits picture takers to drastically adjust photographs in a manner that has incited banters on a few levels inside the photography business.


Do you continue to think about how individuals lived without portable Internet, or any telephones? In the 90s whenever someone tried to dial an international number the call would probably drop or there would be a glitching noise in the background.

Technology took over and changed the face of telecommunications. It also changed the social and business cycles of many.

As well as contending in giving better Internet association with their clients, specialist organizations have begun to depend on different items, like USB modems. As opposed to zeroing in just on voice calls and standard SMS services.

So, with the change in technology and the world. We can sit and watch as the world moves towards a more revolutionized world. Where the interface of communication evolves and the face of Information Technology.

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