Tips to Protect Your Brand from Negative SEO

A real risk comes from negative SEO. Both visibility and income from an organic search can be lost. The following advice will help you combat bad SEO.

Several digital marketers know the good reason for search engine optimization (SEO), which is the overall objective of SEO. Running a successful business in the digital age requires a strong understanding of SEO since it is crucial to ensuring that your customers can find your content, products, and services. 

You might not be aware of the darker side of SEO, though, until you begin to experience its repercussions. Unreliable marketers may utilize the aggressive strategy of negative SEO to harm a rival.

This tutorial will assist you in comprehending negative SEO and in learning how to protect yourself against becoming a victim of your company. You shouldn’t overlook this if you’re serious about protecting and growing your business online.

What does negative SEO mean?

Negative SEO, frequently referred to as “Black Hat SEO”, is using unethical techniques on your website to damage your brand with Google and grab search engine rankings for crucial keywords to be utilized or changed on a competitor’s website. Negative SEO in the past can have been as simple as stealing your website and replacing it with dubious banner adverts. The Negative SEO has, however, significantly evolved and grown in sophistication nowadays.

Some forms of Harmful SEO Attacks

Most negative SEO campaigns use off-page techniques because an opponent won’t often have easy access to your company’s website.

Extremely hostile attacks, however, can include attempts to hack into your web page and unintentionally modify its content or framework.

The most well-known off-page and on-page SEO tactics that you should be aware of and watch for are covered in length in the following section. 

  1. Hacking a web page

The worst kind of website hacking involves someone breaking into your system and stealing, destroying, or altering crucial data for their personal gain. This is one of the most challenging and expensive ways to degrade a website’s search engine ranks, but it’s also one of the most successful. After all, altering a site’s content, design, or settings directly to make them more search engine friendly is the best approach to directly boost SEO.

You should strengthen your cybersecurity to defend your website against hackers. Insufficient security could make your website an appealing target for hackers. Therefore, altering the website’s on-page content in order to accomplish the intended outcome would be the greatest and simplest way to harm its SEO. A hacker intent on harming your site’s SEO might do a lot before you even realize it. They might tamper with your content in ways that harm your Google reputation or insert links that undermine your work. 

  1. Link farming

Automated tools, link farms, and PBNs (public blog networks) often produce these adverse links. 

Strong signals are sent to Google by high-quality backlinks indicating that the associated site is a resource that people are willing to endorse and refer to others. Harmful backlinks, on the other hand, which can come from phishing sites, link farms, or even just plainly unrelated websites, can have the opposite impact.

Making harmful backlinks or dead backlinks is a key component of a negative SEO strategy that aims to penalize your website with Google. Positive backlinks from your website may even be attempted to be eliminated by some negative SEO practitioners.

They might, for instance, pretend to be you and contact someone who is connected to you to request that the link be taken down.

  1. Content Scraping

The key to securing high search engine rankings and enhancing your search engine trustworthiness is to provide original content.

If you remove that individuality, your diligently-made pages’ search rankings may suffer. Negative SEO attacks may result in the scraping, duplication, and reposting of a victim’s content on numerous alternative websites, which lessens the content’s integrity.  Google is compelled to analyze the duplicate sites as a result, and it may not always choose the original page to rank first. 

  1. Fake profiles on social media

Real, well-kept social media pages increase brand recognition and foster a favorable company reputation. Therefore, making fictitious identities in your name and using them improperly to harm your internet visibility is one approach to undermine the credibility of your business. 

False information, fake news, and spam can all be transmitted through fake profiles. They might also be applied in various ways that give people a negative perception of your brand.

  1. Deliberately spreading negative feedback

Indeed, any organization operating online in the digital world is aware of the negative effects even one negative review can have on an image of the business. Suppose that you are the victim of a cyberattack that leaves several nasty reviews all over the internet.

Additionally, negative SEO practitioners can just decide to post a tone of bad reviews on your website, seller pages, and social media profiles.

How to Recognize and Prevent Negative SEO Techniques

Recognizing when you’ve been attacked is the beginning step in overcoming negative SEO.

Dead giveaways include indicators like these:

  • Unexpected and sudden declines in website traffic.
  • Unexpected increases or drops in your backlink database.
  • decreased rankings for some keywords.
  • Google is sending you notifications about your web usage.
  • Your content is being duplicated widely online.

Here are some suggestions for defending against an impending assault, recovering from one that has already occurred, and avoiding future poor SEO effects.

  1. Protect your website

It could take some time before you even discover that anything is wrong when a negative SEO expert really hacks into your website to tamper with its coding. However, doing frequent site audits can assist you in identifying any possible problems prior to them having a chance to undermine your SEO strategy.

Additionally, Google Search Console can be set up to alert you to security lapses or issues with your site’s crawling. Keep in mind to use safeguards like strong passwords, antivirus software, and two-factor authentication to safeguard yourself.

  1. Maintain your backlinks daily

Negative SEO’s most prevalent variation is link spamming

Whenever someone (most usually a rival) delivers hundreds or thousands of low-quality hyperlinks to your website with the express purpose of bringing down its ranks, it is said to be a “link spam attack.”

It is now officially time to begin managing your backlink catalog if you aren’t already doing so. Select a tool that eliminates any guesswork from the procedure, and make frequent checks to make sure everything is functioning properly. 

You should also send a disavow file including all of the poisonous backlinks to Google Webmaster Tools if you see that your backlink library has suddenly become flooded with them.

Google will be informed that such links shouldn’t be used to determine your ranking as a result.

  1. Ensure the security of your content

Using a reliable tool like Copyscape will help you quickly assess whether any content on your website has been copied. Send an email to the website’s operator requesting the removal of any duplicate content you find.

To let the other party know you mean business, be sure to CC the relevant legal party whenever you contact out. If a whole website is copying yours, submit it to Google right away and ask them to take it down.

Use canonical tags to safeguard the most valuable material on your website and let Google know who the original author is. For good measure, include a copyright notice and updated Terms of Service on your website that expressly specify that your work may not be duplicated or disseminated.

  1. Report fake profiles on social media

Identify fake social media accounts using the name of your business as soon as you become aware of them, before they gain followers and undermine your attempts to develop a positive reputation. Additionally, you may track your social media mentions with the use of several tools.

In order to find out immediately whether someone is misusing the name of your organization or spreading false information, check your mentions as soon as possible. In any case, it’s wise to follow this technique because it enables you to interact with those who are genuinely buzzing about your company.

  1. Reporting Requests to Remove Fake Backlinks

Be careful with your backlinks, particularly your most important ones. You never know whenever a hacker suddenly starts releasing fake deletion requests requesting your connecting website to remove links.

No assurance can be given that a webmaster who provided the backlink won’t comply with such bogus requests.

Once more, early discovery is crucial to thwarting a negative SEO effort before it gets the chance to undo all your hard work. Report any unfavorable comments about your goods, brand, or business that you come across from people who are falsely claiming to be associated with you to Google and the relevant platform. Of course, you should always make an effort to put things right after receiving genuine unfavorable feedback. 


As you can see, using good security procedures, keeping an eye on your site’s statistics, and keeping track of links and social signals from other websites are the greatest ways to defend against negative SEO. Then, respond right away to prevent the defendant’s strategies from causing any harm.

Even though a negative SEO attack can be unpleasant, it’s a sign that your business is accomplishing something right and standing out in your sector. However, constant watchfulness, regular audits, and similar strategies can aid foil any attempts to obstruct your advancement.

By including content optimization into your ongoing SEO plan, you may improve your search engine rankings and your content overall. 

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