Write and Publish a Technical Book in Easy Steps

A technical book is a book that covers technical topics. In my experience, this mostly involves physical science and engineering. Technical books are sometimes used as textbooks to teach technical topics, however, they are not all textbooks. Also, not all textbooks are technical books. Here are a few steps to write and publish a technical book: 

Write and Publish a technical book in easy steps

1. Don’t think you can’t write a technical book. 

You can write and publish a technical book. The first step in publishing your first book is overcoming psychological barriers. You don’t have to be proficient in anything, or (in very extreme cases) you don’t need to know much about the subject you’re writing about. All you need to know about this process is that you need to do a lot of research. Whether you own the technology you’re writing or not, it’s always a good idea to research the latest trends and cutting-edge technologies for whether you’ve researched in the past.

I personally learned this the hard way. While writing my first title, “Developing PROTEST APIs with Node.js,” I was sure I understood how REST works, but it was actually the process of writing a book. I got into this project because I thought I knew it well, and I knew more than I initially thought, so I came out the other side. You can hire a blog writing service if you want help in writing.

2. Find something to write.

You don’t have to write an entire technical book or first draft. It’s definitely better than writing a fictional book. You usually need to write a full manuscript before the publisher sees you.

The first thing you need is an idea. Is there anything you want to write about? Don’t worry if it sounds like no one wants to read it (I’ve been there). Perform the following steps.

Visit amazon.com to search for themes and try different combinations to see what you get. If your thoughts are very specific, such as “the advantages of using camelCase to create unit tests in JavaScript,” try different combinations.

3. Create a directory for 3 technical cookbooks

This is very important. Because

a) the publisher requires this as part of your proposal, and

b) it gives you an idea of ​​how to develop the topic you intend to write about.

Yes, you need to estimate the ToC (Table of Contents). This sounds intimidating, but if you’re doing this for the first time, it can be complicated because you’ll be asked to enter the approximate number of pages and length of each chapter. It takes you to actually write them.

Depending on the publisher you contact, you may be able to get help with these numbers. At Apress.com, they are more than willing to help new authors with suggestions, so if you have a solid idea, they may guide you through the process.

4. Write a sample chapter

Most publishers mostly ask for sample chapters to understand how you write. Don’t worry too much about the content and length of chapters of your technical book. It may change when you start working.

As a suggestion, don’t write the first or last chapter. Please write something on the way. This way, you can avoid the last sentence or welcome the reader to the book and stick to a very interesting theme.

5. Send Proposal

You now have a table of contents and an example chapter. I also understand the book market and competition. Now you’re ready to send your technical book idea to the publisher.

Some of these publishers also offer suggested templates. In this case, always keep an eye on them. Otherwise, you may be asked to change your proposal before it is considered. Please hurry up to send it. Everything they want saves everyone time and effort.

Well, unless you’re trying to write something that’s already dead, you’ll probably get OK from them, and the process will continue, or you’ll get some pointers to refine your idea. , in which case I would recommend you to follow them. Don’t think “no” is a bad thing because they know what’s selling and what’s not.

6. Negotiating Contracts

Once the proposal is accepted, you will need to sign the contract. This is the standard process for defining royalties (revenue per sale), upfront payments (amount), etc. Remember, if you cover this number with royalties to get back early, you’ll get royalties), table of contents, chapters, book deadlines, etc.

Don’t be afraid of the process. This isn’t (usually) a very large document, and if you’re not satisfied with the standard, you can definitely fall back. What’s important here is that if you sign, it’s up to you to make progress. So make sure the date is correct.

7. Write, write, and write.

Let’s start. The FourCeeds recommend writing every day. Yes, every day with fracking, it’s better to manage things this way than having to pull all three in a progressive fashion to complete the chapter. This is very simple. By working every day, you’ll think about what to add to the chapters, go back, change, rewrite, and overall make a better product than when you wrote everything in 3. You can get additional hours of service each day. You don’t have to write 4000 words a day. One day I write 100 words, and the next day I write 3000 words, so think of it as a marathon, not a race. This will take some time. Please accept this fact. I work little by little every day.

The writing process starts with you but doesn’t end when you submit draft chapters. For technical books, publishers often provide technical reviewers. These are other technicians who review drafts and add notes about all technical aspects of the work. This is an amazing bonus that you don’t usually get if you’re alone (of course, it’s free here unless you pay!). You need to take advantage of this and pay close attention to what the reviewers have to say. You can always push these comments back and ignore them, but make sure you have a good reason for doing so. This is not your ego.

Your drafts will usually also go through a style checker to check your writing style. They can ignore the technical stuff and focus on making sure you keep your grammar and syntax consistent throughout the chapter and engage with your readers in the best possible way. Likewise, if they give you a note, pay attention to them.


It’s certainly not easy, but it’s easier and more accessible than people think, so if you’re tinkering with an idea, it’s a good idea to try it out. Also, how many people write books at home, even if they don’t sell them? So stop thinking you can’t do it and sit back!

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