Dental Drills: 6 Amazing Facts That Nobody Told You About them

As a kid, once in a lifetime, we always fear the huge Dental Drills placed near the dentist. Is that right? Well, drills are the most important tool for a dentist.

Dental drills help a dental person to operate, remove the cavity, and do other surgeries. The other equipment used by dentists is a bone profiling drill, screws, and other tools. Still, one of the most effective equipment that offers excellent outcomes is dental drills.

Now, let’s shift your focus towards the dental drills, their importance, and some interesting facts about them. We are sure you will be amazed by knowing those points.

  1. The dental drill is also called a handpiece by dentists. They believe the “handpiece” name seems more familiar and friendly.
  2. Mainly, you see two dental drills in dentistry. One is a high-speed dental drill, and another one is a slow-speed drill. Mostly the 250,000 RPM is the rotating capacity of a high-speed drill. It denotes that a drill can spin approx 4,000 times every second. On the other side, the slow-speed dental drill has 8,000 RPM rotating capability.
  3. A dental drill for a patient for about 30 seconds will have bacteria as much as sneezing carries. That is why dentists always prefer a mask while operating.
  4. At 250° Fahrenheit after every dental drill is heated for approximately 15 minutes in pressurized steam.
  5. In the 20th century, dentists pump dental drills with their feet to operate.
  6. Indus valley civilization has invented dental drills for the first time.

An Overview Of Dental Drills

Well, it is the most common tool the dentists handle to perform oral surgery or procedures like Dental implants. This s is small in size and can be held easily in the hands of a dentist.

Now, jumping to the work of dental drills helps to remove decay from a patient’s teeth. On the other hand, bone profiling drills work as an instrument to shape new teeth. A drill helps to polish the tooth, improve the appearance of the natural tooth which is good for Oral health, and is often used as a tool while operating.

You can name a dental drill to a handpiece because you can handle it in your hands. It includes internal mechanical components that start a rotational force then give power to the cutting instrument.

We can’t even imagine dentistry or any dental procedure without implant osteotomy drills or dental drills. Earlier it was just an invention by the Indus Valley civilization, but now dental drills are one of the most used and sophisticated instruments. The dental drill is appropriate for treating a patient’s teeth easily.  Moreover, it doesn’t make the patient panic or never creates any pain in the jaw or muscles.

Dental Drills: Explore An Interesting History

First Dental Drill

The most ancient and the earliest dental tool is a dental drill. In 7000 BC, the very first time drill appeared in front of humans. The early man says the drill is a great invention by the people of the Indus Valley Civilization. Earlier, it was a bow drill that was believed to be used by professional and talented bead craftsmen. The main use of the drill is to place jewelry and beads.

Mechanical Hand Drill

So, the second stair in the formation of the dental drill was mechanical hand drills. However, it was really very slow while using it. John Greenwood is the mechanical dental foot engine creator, and he built this in the year 1790.

Clockwork Dental Drill

Later one more dental drill was named “clockwork dental drill.” The very famous British dentist and popular man George Fellows Harrington created this in 1864. Fortunately, it worked faster than hand drills. The only problem was the noise disturbance it creates.

Pneumatic Drill

Then a famous dentist George F. Green from America created a pneumatic drill. The great thing is the drill was operated with a pedal. In 1871 the first pedal-powered dental drill was seen; the inventor was James B. Morrison. George F. Green. In 1875, he also found and patented the first electric drill that revolutionized dentistry.

Electric Drill

In 1914 electric dental drills changed and improved with time. They speed up to 3000 rpm at least.

Air Turbine Drill

Later, a member of the staff of the Dominion Physical Laboratory (DPL) Wellington, New Zealand, John Patrick Walsh, found an air turbine drill in 1949. Later all modern drills were based on it. The best part is the air turbine dental drill has up to 800,000 rpm.

In these drills, diamond and tungsten carbide burs is used. Now with the change in time, many drills like implant osteotomy drills, electric dental drills, turbine-powered, etc exist.


The dentists use a dental drill for oral surgery. This article might have cleared your many doubts. Moreover, we hope you have enjoyed the top 6 interesting facts about dental drills.

So do you like this write-up? Or do you want to buy a bone profiling drill or another dental drill? Whatever your queries are, please share them with us.

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